
Fantastic Dungeon Grappling Online Sale

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Fantastic Dungeon Grappling

Fantastic Dungeon Grappling takes the “attack roll, defense roll, damage roll” basic play of Powered by GURPS and makes it work for grappling as well. A new simplified tracking mechanism – tested over years of play – keeps this fast and light at the table.

And After the Grapple, easily and quickly perform feats such as Takedowns, Disarms, and inflicting pain or injury on your target.

Oh . . . and of course there are a few new magic spells that grapple, plus a short section on the best part about grappling: having your monsters grab and eat the players!

This 8-page booklet in 8×10 format takes the more complicated concepts from GURPS Martial Arts: Technical Grappling and distills them through years of play experience into something easily comprehended and managed at the game table.

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